Why You Should Keep Underfloor Heating On All The Time

Most homeowners are currently facing a conundrum about how often they should put the heating on and how high they should set their thermostat, thanks to the combination of high energy bills and freezing temperatures. 

Although many want to save money on their heating expenses, the wintry conditions that are likely to remain for the next few months makes it very difficult to stay warm inside if the house is not sufficiently heated up. 

This is what leads many households to regularly turning their thermostat up and down, trying to use as little energy as possible until they can no longer handle the cold and need the house to be warmer. 

However, for those who have underfloor heating, it is better to have them constantly on instead of frequently turning them on and off. 

According to uHeat, having it on all day, even when nobody is in, means it will be quicker to warm up and it will be more efficient. 

“As long as you opt for a well-built, properly installed, high-quality underfloor heating system, you can be confident of leaving the system switched on all day every day without any problems at all,” it stated. 

This ensures the room will receive some heat throughout the day, but homeowners can also increase the temperature if they need extra warming up when they want. 

Without leaving it on all day, it is difficult to feel the true benefits of underfloor heating, as it can take a couple of hours to properly warm up. Therefore, once the room is no longer uncomfortably cold, it might be time to go to bed! 

What Factors Go Into The Price Of A New Boiler’s Quote?

During a bitter winter cold snap is often the time when people use their boilers the most, and often when they start contemplating starting the new year with a new unit.

The first step they will take is to contact local suppliers and get a quote on what price they would be expected to pay to replace their older unit with something new and more efficient. 

Getting a boiler quote can be interesting and the results can vary because whilst the largest part of the quoted price will be the boiler unit itself, there are a lot of other factors that can affect the price, and it is worth investigating why certain quotes you receive are more expensive than others.

One of these is the fuel type itself, although this often affects the price because it affects the types of boiler that can be installed, as well as the complexity of installation.

For example, biomass boilers will tend to be more expensive than gas, combi or electric boilers, which are far more common and have more engineers experienced in the process of removing, swapping and installing a brand new boiler.

Another aspect of this expense can come from the difficulty of installing the boiler itself. Most boilers tend to be placed in areas that are relatively easy to access and thus all of the components can be swapped out, but if the installation is non-standard, it may require additional planning and work, which will add to the cost.

As well as this, if you want to move the boiler, that will lead to additional costs, as will any work to upgrade the overall system such as from a back boiler to a combi boiler system.

Finally, there are some fluctuations in the cost of labour time in different parts of the UK, so that can sometimes affect the quote.