Underfloor Heating Expert Highlights Need For Expertise

With summer nearing its end and the prospect of the cold weather in the months ahead being combined with soaring energy bills, many householders will be looking at changing their home heating systems to something that is more energy efficient.

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Top Tips For Saving Money On Your Water Bill

Over the past few months, two of the biggest news stories have revolved around water.

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Helping the Plumber Over The Phone Can Save You Time And Money!

Whenever Bernard my master is asked what my favourite food is the answer is anything that’s on his plate! When it comes to anything a dog wants to play with it’s theirs but when it’s broken, it’s yours!

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Preventing Limescale Building Up A Large Scale Boiler Problem

Bernard’s family all settled down to watch “101 Dalmatians” on the TV over Christmas.

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Prevent Christmas Sliding Down The Greasy Pipe And Blocking Drains!

It’s Christmas! Hoorah, lots of snoozing in my basket!

But Bernard my master always expect there to be emergency call outs – and he’s never been wrong yet! The weather’s mild at the moment but if temperatures do drop, there’s bound to be pipes which will freeze up because they’re outside and haven’t been lagged properly.

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Water Pressure Problems May Be Difficult To Tap!

My master, Bernard loves to tell his customers that I’m able to respond to his questions by answering back in spoken English. Customers refuse to believe it until Bernard asks me, ” What covers a house?”  and I reply twice to make sure, “roof – roof!” And of course it’s easy for me to say how sandpaper feels, “rough – rough!”  The pressure is always on to perform.

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