Top Tips To Reduce Your Energy Bills This Summer

This summer has been an exceptionally scorching one, and for many people that has meant turning on air conditioning or fans and relaxing with cool drinks in the shade.

However, the heat can work in your favour and you can save money on your energy bills this summer by following some of these top tips.


Check On Your Boiler

The last concern on many people’s minds when the weather is roasting is their boiler, especially since it is generally winter weather that boilers tend to be unhappy with.

Try to turn your heating on or turn on hot water for 5-10 minutes per week and check if there are any issues.

It is much easier to check if you need a boiler installation in North London when the sun is shining over Islington, rather than when the weather is bitterly cold in Barnet or Tottenham.

As well as this, keeping your heating moving, even for a brief time each week, can mean the difference between a healthy boiler for years to come.


Keep Your Fridge Out Of The Sun

Whilst the point of a fridge or a freezer is to keep your food cool, they paradoxically generate a lot of heat, and so they must be kept away from sources of extreme heat.

Keep them away from the oven, keep them out of direct sunlight and keep them away from rooms that generate a lot of heat if at all possible.

If you use an outdoor fridge or freezer, try to keep them in your garage or out of the sun if at all possible.


Check Your Insulation

Insulation of course is used to keep your home warm in winter, but it also stops external heat from getting into your house in the summer and heating up your home.