Why Does Your Natural Gas Boiler Need Annual Maintenance?

It is a truth, universally acknowledged, that a property owner needs to organise an annual service for all of the boilers in a building. 

The biggest and most obvious reason for this is obligation; landlords must ensure that gas appliances have checks every year, many business insurance policies require an annual service to ensure it remains valid and annual services keep a boiler’s warranty period valid as well.

However, for some people who have had a boiler installed by an expert in the last year and had absolutely no issues, it can seem like a service is unnecessary, however, it is important for many reasons beyond being a requirement.

The first, and by far the most important is that it helps keep everyone in the building safe. Boilers are complex, and a fault can have the potential to be very dangerous if left unchecked.

It will ensure that every component is properly installed, is working effectively and can potentially signpost where issues could come from in the future, tweaking and fixing parts.

This saves money in the long run, as an annual service is far cheaper than an emergency callout, particularly if expensive parts are required.

Beyond this, it can also help to reduce energy bills. Gas engineers are highly knowledgeable about the inner workings of a boiler, and they can see if a boiler is not only working well but is as efficient as possible, which costs you less money.

This can become more critical as a boiler gets older and its performance starts to degrade. An engineer will often be the first to point out when a boiler has reached the tipping point where replacement is more cost-effective than maintenance.

An engineer can also provide advice on which settings would provide the most value and reduce bills the most, as well as show you how to manage automatic switch-on and shut-off times for central heating systems.

Why Combi Boilers Are Always A Top Choice For Homeowners

Homeowners who are looking for a new boiler will have to decide which type to go for. 

If you are considering a combi boiler, here are some reasons why it is a popular choice these days. 


Perhaps the main reason why more and more people are opting for combi boilers is because they warm water on demand whenever the tap or heating is turned on. Therefore, there is no need to heat up an entire tank of water and then having to store it. 

The reason this is cost effective is because you do not need to preheat the water, thereby only heating what you use. 


New combi boiler installations need to have an energy efficiency rating of at least 92 per cent, which means homeowners can benefit from wasting as little power as possible to heat up their water and home. 

This will reduce energy bills, which have shot up in the last year, as well as be better for the environment. 


As combi boilers mean hot water is available whenever you need it, it is the more convenient option. You don’t have to plan when you’ll want a shower or bath, or wait a long time if you want to do the washing up. 

At the same time, it is easy and quick to install, as it does not require a hot water cylinder or tank. 

Space saving

Those who live in small houses or flats will surely be keen on getting a combi boiler, as they take up much less space than a system boiler, which also needs a hot storage tank. 

Good water pressure

As the water comes from the mains, it will have a strong flow. Therefore, homeowners can enjoy powerful showers with a combi boiler!

Why Heat Pumps Are Not Yet Ready To Replace Gas Boilers

If you are planning to fit a new boiler in your London home because the old one needs replacing, you may have been tempted to consider a different option for warming your home and water supply, such as an air source heat pump.

However, there may be very good reasons not to do this – and they come from someone who owns his own heat pump company.

Business tycoon Lord Willie Haughey has attacked the Scottish government’s plans to try to force homes to switch to heat pumps by penalising those with boilers. Under the proposals, from 2025 any home with a gas boiler won’t be able to achieve an energy performance rating of C and will be legally barred from being sold.

Lord Haughey said that while he should be “jumping for joy” because he owns a heat pump company, he warned that the devices “don’t work as efficiently in Scotland as they do in other countries”. A key problem is that they stop working properly if the temperature drops below -5C, which is common in many parts of Scotland in winter.

That issue may be less of a concern in London, where it is rarely so cold, but another issue the peer pointed out is that the pumps can only heat water to 54 degrees C, less than the 60 degrees needed to kill off legionella bacteria.

Another problem, identified by the Scottish government’s own research, is that heat pumps are not suited to tenement blocks, which make up 40 per cent of Scottish housing stock. Such buildings of large-scale multiple occupancy are similar to the kind of properties a large proportion of Londoners live in, so the same would be likely to apply here.

The Scottish proposals will be subject to public consultation. But if that exercise highlights major weaknesses in the use of heat pumps, the consequences for government policy could not only be to delay their wider deployment in Scotland, but slow down their introduction – and therefore maintain the reliance on gas or electric boilers – down here in England too.

Common Boiler Problems And How You Can Identify Them

Boilers are the heart of the home and help to keep our rooms and water warm and comfortable for us. However, much like any other appliance, there are several issues your boiler may encounter and luckily many of them can be easily identified.

Having any issues with your boiler fixed as soon as possible is essential for the safety of yourself and your family as boiler issues can potentially be extremely dangerous if left unnoticed or unfixed for long periods of time.

One of the easiest ways to notice that your boiler is malfunctioning or has issues is by a lack of heat or hot water. This can be due to a variety of issues and some can be fixed quite simply.

One of these is a faulty thermostat, which may cause a lack of heat as it is not registering the temperature of the home. Replacing or simply resetting this may solve the issue at hand. Other issues which result in no heat or hot water may need to be diagnosed by a plumber.

These issues may also result in your boiler switching itself off periodically. If your boiler is switching off for seemingly no reason, seek the advice of your local plumber for help and assistance.

If resetting your boiler doesn’t work, seeking the advice of a plumber is recommended as there may be further underlying issues with your boiler which are preventing it from heating your home effectively.

This is more common in older boilers which may not have been serviced in a while.

Leaks can be easily identified by wet patches forming under or around the boiler and should be addressed as soon as possible. They can be caused by various issues such as corrosion on the pipes, faulty valves or damaged seals.

If you find a leak, turn the boiler off as soon as possible and seek the help of an emergency plumber.


Looking for a plumber in North London? Get in touch today.

When Is The Best Time Of Year To Have Your Boiler Serviced?

Your boiler helps to heat your home year-round and therefore maintaining it and ensuring it stays in great working condition is essential. Working out when the right time to have your boiler annually serviced can be tricky though.

Your boiler is used more during certain periods of the year than others, therefore you may find that you notice more issues arising during the winter than in the summer.

This might not be due to the fact your boiler is on though, it can actually be because it hasn’t been used for a while. Leaving your boiler over the summer without much use can allow issues to arise unnoticed, leaving you stuck in the mud when winter rolls around.

Therefore, having your boiler serviced and checked during the summertime may be a better idea than waiting until you are using it more frequently in the winter.

This is because your boiler will have been used constantly throughout the late autumn, winter and early spring.

You may then have chosen to turn it off or significantly reduce its use as summer rolled around, meaning any issues which occurred during the winter may not have been noticed.

This can lead to them being left unfixed until you start using your boiler more frequently again, as you may not notice them during the summer months when your heating is turned off more than it is turned on.

Having your boiler serviced during the summer allows you to find and address any issues without having to worry about the boiler being out of action, leaving you cold during the winter chill.

By having your boiler serviced during the summer, you can also be assured that come wintertime you can heat your home with no issues and know your boiler is in great health.


Looking for local plumbers in North London? Get in touch with us today.

Why Do Boiler Prices Vary So Much?

The weather has been so good lately that Brits haven’t had to think about turning their central heating on over the last few weeks. 

The temperatures have regularly been over 20C, and even exceeded 32C on June 10th in Chertsey, Surrey, which is the first time the mercury has gone above 30C since August 2022.  

While many of us are enjoying being in the garden on a sunny day, going to the beach, or having barbecues with friends and family, it won’t be long before the need to put the heating back on returns. 

Therefore, if your boiler had started to play up before the hot spell, you might need to consider replacing it. However, there are big differences in the cost of boilers, which can be confusing to many homeowners. 

Which? explains the costs will vary according to the type of boiler you opt for, such as a heat-only or storage boiler, or one with a hot water cylinder fitting. 

The brand or model of boiler will also result in differing prices, and while lots of people may be tempted to go for the cheaper option, this might not work out being cost-effective.

“Getting a reliable boiler is the most important thing to consider when deciding which brand to go for, as it will save you money and stress in the long run,” the consumer expert stated.

Lastly, the size of the boiler can alter the price, with larger models being more expensive. 


Those who are worried about the expense of a new central heating system should consider getting new boiler finance in London, which can help spread the cost

Should You Turn Your Heating Off In Summer?

There is much confusion around whether or not turning your heating completely off or leaving it on low helps you to save money and while the choice is entirely your own, it may be a good idea to understand which is the best option.

Many people believe that turning your heating off entirely is a bad idea and that you should leave it on year-round, even during the summer, at a low temperature to help reduce bills. However, this is not actually the case.

Leaving your heating on constantly can cause increased energy bills and can actually cause your boiler to deteriorate faster.

The best way to conserve energy and keep your boiler in good condition is to set your heating on a timer using a thermostat, so the heating only comes on when your home drops below your pre-set desired temperature.

This allows you to maintain a comfortable temperature in your home and stops you from overheating the house, as the heating will also turn itself off once the desired temperature has been reached.

This is the perfect compromise In the summertime and means that you can leave your heating and boiler on without actually having to use it.

While some people may prefer to turn their heating off entirely during the warmer months, it is advised that you still turn it on every so often during the summer to ensure it is still in good working order and no problems have arisen.

Your decision will depend on where you live, how warm it gets outside and your own personal preference. However, there is no right or wrong answer. You can leave your heating on without actually using it or turn it off entirely.

Either way will be sure to save you more money than setting it at a constant low temperature.


For boiler repair in North London contact BBS Plumbing & Heating today!

One In 25 Older People Have No Central Heating

Recent data has shown one in 25 people over the age of 65 live on their own without central heating, putting their health at risk. 

This means there are more than 66,000 elderly people in England and Wales in one-person households who face freezing cold conditions during the winter, the Express reported

Age UK told the publication this could have “potentially serious consequences”, with its director Caroline Abrahams saying: “Older people lacking central heating often find it very difficult to stay warm during the winter months. Living alone can make this worse, as it means one person’s income has to stretch further to cover the fixed costs of heating.”

The area with the greatest problem was found to be Barrow-in-Furness in Cumbria, with 5.4 per cent of its elderly population living alone without central heating. This was followed by Gwynedd in north-west Wales at 4.6 per cent. 

London also has a high proportion of over-65s who do not have heating, with Waltham Forest (4.3 per cent), Lambeth (4.1 per cent), and Westminster (4.1 per cent) the worst affected areas. 

At the end of last year, Age UK called for the government to take further action to help elderly people afford to turn on their heating. 

It wanted discounts for lower-income households to be able to afford their energy bills, vulnerable households to receive funding for energy efficiency improvements, and more active promotion of the Energy Bill Support Scheme to help those on prepayment meters. 

Following the surge in energy prices over the last year, it warned more than a million older households were at risk of a “long, bleak winter”. 

Making your home more energy-efficient helps to bring down bills, which is why getting a boiler replacement in north London could help elderly people so they can keep their heating on over the winter

Here Are Five Signs That It Is Time To Get A New Boiler

Nobody wants to start the new year with a broken boiler, knowing the next few months will be even colder. So, here are some signs to look out to see whether your boiler is on the blink and it might be time to get a boiler quote in London

Feeling cold

The most obvious sign your boiler is no longer working well is your home feels cold even when the heating is on. 

More expensive bills

Thanks to the fuel crisis, everyone is experiencing higher-than-normal gas and electricity bills at the moment, but if they are significantly steeper than previous months’, this could be due to your boiler’s inefficiency. 


If you notice your boiler leaking water, this is a sign to have it professionally looked at straight away, as it could indicate internal damage. If it is not attended to, it could cause an electrical short-circuit, which can be dangerous to your property and those living in it. 

Becomes noisy 

If you suddenly notice your boiler has started to make noises, such as whirring, vibrating, humming, or clunking, this could be a sign it is past its best. 

There could be a big fault within the system that needs an engineer to look at, so pay attention to changes in noise. 


If you think your boiler is having problems, be vigilant about checking for gas. Check if there is a smell around your machine, as this could mean your boiler is not burning effectively and carbon monoxide is being emitted. 

Dark marks on the boiler are another indication there is gas leak, so turn off the boiler immediately.

What To Do If You Need A New Boiler In The Next Year

Over the next year, all boilers should ideally see at least one service, and during that time, a skilled engineer will look at your boiler, sometimes other parts of your water system or gas supply and make suggestions.

In some cases, they may give your boiler a clean bill of health. In others, however, they may slap a warning sticker following the unsafe situations procedure (GIUSP). This often requires shutting off the appliance or even disconnecting the gas supply until the issue is fixed or the boiler is repaired.

In quite a few cases, however, the advice will simply be that you need a new boiler soon, sometimes as far in the future as the next 12 months, whether that is due to obsolescence, age or other factors.

Once you get that news, here are some top tips for what to do next.

Look At Your Options

With many of the rules surrounding boilers changing over the next few years and a lot of options available, it is worth taking some time to look at potential options and alternatives to a conventional boiler.

This can include buying a new boiler, as new boilers designed to a “hydrogen-ready” standard are set to become available as early as 2023 according to British Gas. These would be designed to work with a blend of up to 20 per cent hydrogen once installed, but can also be easily modified to work with 100 per cent hydrogen.

Alternate options include heat pumps, both for ground and air sources, as well as biomass boilers and solar heaters.

Wait Until Summer If You Can

Boiler installations can take a few days, so ideally you will want to arrange it for a time when you do not necessarily need it, so it is ready for you when you do.

To this end, summer (as well as the months just before and just after) is the perfect season to get a replacement. It can also save money in installation fees and allow you to get it installed at your convenience.

For more information and advice from plumbers in London, get in touch today.