Only Use Heating ‘When Necessary’ To Avoid High Bills

The majority of homeowners will be looking for ways to cut down on their heating bills this winter, as energy prices have soared over the last year. 

Dispelling the myth that having the heating on low all day is the best way to have low bills, the Money Saving Expert website says the Energy saving Trust recommends only putting the heating on when it is needed.

It stated: “The key thing to understand here is that it’s all about the total amount of energy required to heat your home.”

By having the heating on all day, “you’re losing energy all day”, which is why it is cheaper to only turn it on when residents are cold. 

However, it is not just about keeping people warm. The Energy Saving Trust notes that turning the heating on and off can cause condensation in the house, as the temperature is constantly changing. 

“This condensation can help conduct heat outside the home, they say – meaning you leak heat more quickly and so you will use more energy as a result,” the Money Saving Expert added. 

Those who have homes that are prone to condensation may have to balance the benefits of cheaper energy bills with potential damage to the property due to the extra moisture in the air.  

Other ways to reduce condensation, and therefore, lower the risk of dampness include wiping down windows and sills every morning, using extractor fans when cooking or in the bathroom, opening windows, installing insulation, buying a dehumidifier, and hanging clothes outside to dry, instead of indoors. 

When it comes to reducing energy bills, make sure you use boiler repair in north London to ensure your central heating system is in good condition.

Top Tips For Saving Money On Your Gas Bill

Heating your home in the winter can be expensive, especially with the cost of living seeming to constantly be on the rise. Being warm and comfortable in your home is important, but you can still stay cosy while saving a few pennies along the way. 

Keeping your boiler and heating systems in good shape can help save you money and improve efficiency, so your home will heat up and stay warmer for longer. 

Be sure to have your boiler and radiators checked to ensure they are working as they should and you aren’t losing money due to faulty equipment. 

Turning down your thermostat just a little can help you save money. You likely won’t notice the difference of a few degrees but your bank account will. Keeping your home at a comfortable temperature doesn’t require always having the heat on full blast, so where possible turn it down a notch. 

Electric blankets are a great way to warm yourself up and they are incredibly inexpensive to use. Rather than cranking the heat up overnight to stay toasty in bed, try investing in an electric blanket that will keep you just as cosy at a fraction of the cost. 

Ensuring doors and windows are properly sealed and aren’t letting in a draft can make a world of difference. Even the tiniest of air leaks can cool a room down so make sure everything is nice and sealed so you aren’t losing heat – and money – unnecessarily. 

Finally, as old-fashioned as it may seem, try layering up before dialling the thermostat up. A jumper or extra blanket may be all you need to feel warm again without having to spend extra on heating the home. Besides, nothing beats curling up with a cosy blanket and a cup of tea on a cold winter’s day.


Do you need a boiler repair in North London? Contact BBS Plumbing and Heating today. 

New PM Caps Energy Bills At £2.5k

Households worried about how they will afford their energy bills this winter will be pleased to hear the government has capped them at £2,500 per year from October 1st 2022.

Prime Minister Liz Truss, who took her new role on Monday (September 5th), has revealed plans to prevent the average household energy bill exceeding this amount.

Truss’ cap will last two years, meaning billpayers do not have worry their fees will skyrocket again in a few months’ time. 

This comes after Ofgem recently announced a cap of £3,549 in October, over £2,000 a year more what they were before last April.

On August 26th, the regulator revealed this reflects the rise in global wholesale gas prices, as a result of Russia cutting off gas supplies to Europe, as well as the aftermath of the pandemic. 

Chief executive of Ofgem Jonathan Brearley called the new Prime Minister to “act further to tackle the impact of the price rises that are coming in October and next year”. 

Truss said the government will be able to offer the reduced cap by “securing the wholesale price for energy while putting in measures to secure future supplies at more affordable rates”. 

She added this will ensure “we are never in the same position again”.

However, some have argued the new Prime Minister’s actions are not enough, with Liberal Democrats leader Ed Davey noting this price cap is still double what they were last year. In April 2022, Ofgem increased bills for 22 million customers from £1,277 to £1,971 per year.


Find out about Barnet boiler repair for more efficient heating

Underfloor Heating Expert Highlights Need For Expertise

With summer nearing its end and the prospect of the cold weather in the months ahead being combined with soaring energy bills, many householders will be looking at changing their home heating systems to something that is more energy efficient.

For many, the answer lies in underfloor heating, but not every system that could be installed might be the best one for any particular home, an expert has warned.

Steven Dunne, the manager of Snug Underfloor Heating, made this point in an article for Builders Merchants News, stating that establishing the right system to use is the biggest single challenge householders and installers face.

His conclusion arose after the firm consulted 150 installers at the Installer Show 2022 on the biggest hurdles they faced in their work, with the question of finding the best system being the toughest part of the project and the task of transforming the design into reality coming second.

This is why using experienced underfloor heating installers in north London is essential if you are to get the best result for your home, one that will keep it pleasantly warm even in the depths of winter while working with maximum levels of energy efficiency. By using our extensive expertise, you can get a system that provides the best results for your home.

Mr Dunne said his firm’s approach to this issue was to make sure they liaised closely with electricians, plumbers and builders to ensure they were getting the right system installed.

Earlier this month, price comparison site USwitch produced its own guide to heating systems for those keen to change, including underfloor heating.

For instance, a ground source heating system may not be the ideal for someone living in north London, as Uswitch said these are very expensive to install and the householders most likely to benefit from it would be those living off the gas grid. This would mean people residing in remote rural areas, rather than major urban areas.

Top Tips For Saving Money On Your Water Bill

Over the past few months, two of the biggest news stories have revolved around water.

The first is the increase in water bills, often reported as part of the wider cost of living crisis, as well as the record hot summer leading to hosepipe bans in many parts of the country.

During a time when every saving helps and every drop of water counts, here are some simple steps you can take to save money on your water bill.


Hunt For Leaks And Drips

One of the most common reasons for huge energy bills, particularly if you do not use much water personally but are on a metered water plan, is drips and leaks from taps and pipes.

If you feel there is a leaky pipe, consult a plumber as soon as possible, but if you keep control of those water drops you can save almost half a bath’s worth of water every week.


Don’t Leave The Tap Running

A common habit people have that could cost them money is to leave the tap running whilst brushing their teeth, washing their face, shaving or doing the washing up.

A lot of that water is used without being used by you and can add up to a huge amount of water over time.


Showers Over Baths?

One common piece of advice that is given is that you should take showers rather than baths, and whilst this can be true, and often is for particularly deep baths, it is only necessarily the case that you save water if your showers are also short, particularly if you use a power shower.

Whilst water efficiency statistics vary, if you are using a power shower for more than ten minutes, you are probably using more water than a bath.


For more information and advice about plumbing services in London, get in touch today.

Are You Eligible For The Household Support Fund?

Households have been hit by rising energy bills over the last few months, leaving many families having to choose between putting the heating on or feeding their children. Those who are worried they cannot pay their fees might now be eligible for the Household Support Fund.

From Friday (July 8th), local councils will be distributing some of the government fund, offering £200 to those who need it to pay for energy, water, and food bills, reported iNews.

This comes after the Household Support Fund was introduced in September last year and was due to come to an end by March 31st 2022. However, it was extended as the price of energy has continued to soar.

In May 2022, Chancellor Rishi Sunak announced a new £15 billion support package for low-income households, which includes one-off cost-of-living payments of £650 for eight million households who are already on Universal Credit, Tax Credits, Pension Credits and legacy benefits.

Pensioner households will also receive £300, while those being given disability benefits will obtain £150.

Additionally, from October 2022, the energy bills support fund will increase from £200 to £400, and households will not be required to pay it back.

Mr Sunak stated: “We know that people are facing challenges with the cost of living and that is why today I’m stepping in with further support to help with rising energy bills.”

He went on to say everyone has a “collective responsibility” to help those who need it.

Those who want to apply for the fund can do so through their local authority. The eligibility criteria will vary from council to council, and households will need to produce evidence of why they need the financial support.


For solar panel installation in London to lower electricity bills, get in touch today.

Underfloor Heating A Feature Of New London Development

With the nights only just starting to get longer, there is plenty of summer still to enjoy in London. However, the inevitable arrival of autumn and winter will leave many fretting, with energy bills set to rise if, as expected, the price cap is raised again in October.

This means energy efficiency will be more important than ever and for some, that will involve discovering the benefits of underfloor heating. Indeed, underfloor heating installers in north London may be very busy over the coming months.

Some people in the capital will be lucky enough to have this facility already in place when they move into their home, with the developers being smart enough to incorporate it into the design.

Property Wire has highlighted one such case, a development of 33 new homes by Guinness Homes at Leaside Lock in east London. Underfloor heating has been installed in all of the properties, which are all two-bedroom apartments available on a shared basis.

Of course, the developers have been swift to highlight the other features of the apartments too, such as the proximity of the river Lea, green spaces and proximity of public transport connections such as the Bromley-by-Bow Zone 2 Underground Station, just three minutes walk away. Even so, it is hard to ignore how the homes will be kept warm.

The value of underfloor heating was recently highlighted by uSwitch. In an article on the topic it noted that while the fitting work, like any major development work in a home, will be “messy” and disruptive for a short time, it is eminently worth it.

It stated: “There’s no doubt that it can be an effective alternative to traditional radiators or hot air heating systems, especially in rooms with traditionally cold floors made of stone or tile.”

All this goes to show that, if you live in London and don’t happen to be moving into a brand new apartment, you can still get underfloor heating and enjoy the benefits of warmth and energy efficiency when the colder weather returns.

Why Now Is The Time To Fit Underfloor Heating

Right now, the last thing anyone in Britain is likely to do is turn on the heating. With lots of sunshine and the daylight hours at their longest, energy bills will be extremely low.

However, much as few will want to imagine it, shorter days are on the way. With Midsummer having passed, the nights will gradually draw in and a few months hence these long, light, sunny days will have given way to dark, cold, wet, frosty morning.

That may sound depressing, but it is important to think ahead, especially after the huge increases in energy bills last winter, a trend that could continue.

A key reason for this is that a major factor in the increases – the disruption of global gas supplies caused by the Russia-Ukraine crisis – is likely to continue, with fears that Russia may cut off supplies to ‘unfriendly’ nations altogether in the coming winter. Indeed, Germany, which uses more Russian gas than most, has made plans to ration use.

While Britain uses a mix of domestic and Norwegian gas, the knock-on effect on the global market will continue to push up process, so now could be the best time to invest in new ways of heating a home, by contacting underfloor heating installers in north London.

This will enable your home to be heated more effectively, meaning you can minimise the amount of energy used.

Of course, this will not be the whole story; energy efficiency also depends on good insulation so that when the heat has been generated it will not be lost too soon.

The government is believed to be considering a £1 billion plan to insulate low income households across the UK, but even if you do not qualify for such a scheme it could be well worth having it fitted.

With underfloor heating to keep your home warm and a few other measures, you can keep those winter bills down for years to come.

Have You Turned Off Heating To Cut Bills?

Households typically lower their thermostat at this time of the year as the weather warms up, but subdued temperatures have meant many people have kept their central heating on to avoid the chill. However, those who are worried about their future energy bills might be facing cold conditions anyway, as they look for ways to reduce their heating costs.

Sky News has reported how more and more pensioners are switching off their heating and putting on lots of layers of clothing instead to stay warm.

One-fifth of retired men and women in the UK are already living in poverty, and with the cost of living expected to soar, this problem will only worsen.

Earlier this month, the energy cap was increased, which means households could spend up to £246 more on their gas bills every year, according to the Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit (ECIU). For many people, this extra expense is not one they can afford, particularly as the price of food and petrol are also increasing at a rapid rate.

Doreen Moore, 74, is just one example of someone who is relying on an electric fire, closed doors, and drawn curtains to keep her home warm.

She told the news provider: “It’s depressing. And it’s getting worse.”

BBC News also revealed how some pensioners are staying in bed all day to stay warm, skipping meals to save money, and using hot water bottles for extra heat.

One way to reduce energy bills is to upgrade your boiler and make it more efficient to run. Find out more by calling us today.

Radiator Covers “Drastically Increase Bill”

Rising fuel prices are going to have a big impact on household bills over the next few months, so one thing homeowners will not want to do is force their heating fees up even more. That is why it is advisable to remove any radiator covers, no matter how fashionable they are at the moment.

Commenting on the matter, Daniel Nezhad, director of UK Radiators, told The Express that many people want to hide their heating devices, particularly if they are not designer or particularly stylish.

However, one thing they should not do is use radiator covers to disguise them, as this “could actually cost you more than you think”.

“Covering your radiator will significantly impact its ability to heat your home,” said Mr Nezhad, due to the fact the heat will remain trapped within the cover and will not be able to heat the house as efficiently.

Consequently, homeowners will turn their heating up higher or keep it on for longer to stay warm, which could “drastically increase the cost of your energy bills”.

Instead, Brits who want to hide their unsightly radiators could paint them the same colour as the walls, which is currently a very popular interior design trend.

Something else they could do is remove some of their radiators entirely and install underfloor heating in their North London home instead.

These have many benefits, including creating more wall space by removing radiators, spreading heat evenly throughout the house, being more environmentally-friendly, keeping bathrooms and kitchens free of water on the floor, and saving money on energy bills.